Through my journey with power, purpose and truth, I have found that my life has been in a state of rapid transition. In this journey of constant growth, challenges and breakthroughs, I have remained face forward and headstrong so that I can give life everything I have and absorb everything it has to offer.
Always looking towards my potential, I sometimes forget that even in this state where I have a lot to work on, I also have a lot to offer. All it takes is someone seeing me without the context of the past and potential in the future for me to realise that I can add value now. That is precisely what happened during my time at a transformational training in Greenwich, New York.
As I was working through my process, an assistant to the facilitators came up to me and said that there is an hour-long slot available for a morning workshop and asked if I would like to lead a workshop. I had been to similar trainings, and I had never seen such an offer made to a participant. Leading a workshop would mean I could have anywhere between a single person to fifty people show up.
Thoughts interjected into emotions and emotions into thoughts. It felt like a rush where it was difficult to articulate what I was feeling. After centring myself, I thought about all the things I had to offer, and I spent a significant amount of time introspecting.
I had helped people through their challenges on an individual basis before and also conducted seminars for hundreds of people in the field of computers, but this felt very different. These were all fellow seekers who had chosen to walk the path of personal transformation. These people were doing inner work and were part of my tribe.
This process helped me dig deep and think about what had worked for me and what were some of the most critical questions I had asked myself. I had to also think about how I could deliver this work in a way that would penetrate through different personality types and cultures. Despite all these questions, I didn’t find myself under pressure. I felt honoured, seen and trusted in a way that I don’t think I have felt in a while.
I decided that the best way to deliver this work would be by showing them and not telling them what had worked for me. So I decided to conduct a guided meditation. By visualising the process and taking a snapshot of the journey themselves, my intention was for them to come to their conclusions. We would work through questions of purpose, love, conflict and mortality.
Twelve people showed up, and eleven of them saw the workshop through to its conclusion. Even before the participants transitioned out of the meditation, I knew that this was a profound moment for me. An opportunity had presented itself, and I had brought the best version of myself to meet it. It felt great.
As the participants awoke one by one, I was greeted with smiling faces and words of appreciation from the majority while some quietly left the room without saying a word. Throughout the day, I continued to receive feedback, either directly or indirectly, and the input proved to be of immense value. It made me question my thought process, and it gave me insight into the way participants felt during the process. I could see what the participants saw value in and what I could improve upon next time.
I also witnessed resistance from some of the participants and saw how my work triggered them. It made me think about how I could support them through their process in a way that they could overcome their resistance and face their inner conflicts. Helping people through their process made me even more excited about my own, and I am happy to get back to it with an even stronger drive to go deeper.

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